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Slides from CTD Seminar, “Parenting Your Twice-Exceptional Child”

Center for Talent Development recently hosted a free seminar titled “Parenting Your Twice-Exceptional Child: Developing Talent and Accommodating Needs.”  Guest presenter, Dr. Megan Foley Nicpon, spoke about best practices for addressing the needs of twice-exceptional students, including identifying and developing talent domains. foley-nicpon Dr. Megan Foley Nicpon, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology at The University of Iowa and a licensed psychologist and researcher at the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development.  She is an expert in the field and has authored a variety of articles on supporting gifted students with co-existing disabilities. We got many requests to  post resources from this seminar, and just received Dr. Foley Nicpon’s presentation slides. You can find them here: If you missed Dr. Megan Foley Nicpon's article we posted last month, you can still view it by clicking here.

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