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Now Enrolling for Fall 2024 Online Programs

Professional Learning

Using Differentiated Assessment to Inform Instruction and Monitor Growth for Advanced Learners: Online Part 2

April 27, 2023
4:30pm - 6:30pm CDT

Professional Learning Workshop to Improve Your Data Literacy

This is part two of the online workshop that begins on April 20, 2023.

Are advanced learners in your school growing at an appropriate rate and how do you know? Does student readiness for instruction align with placement in enrichment or accelerated services?  Are programs having the desired effect?  

Accurate measurement of readiness and learning is important for all students, but typical grade-level assessments and reports are not used effectively or may not provide enough information to optimize instruction for advanced learning. Students who meet or exceed grade-level standards often look “fine” in school accountability systems even when they are not growing at a rate commensurate with ability 

This workshop led by Melissa Hinshaw, CTD Assessment Coordinator, will explore differentiated assessment approaches and data practices for informing classroom instruction; making decisions about services, including enrichment, and acceleration; and measuring growth for advanced learners.   

Bring your data and your questions to our interactive workshop, and leave with the knowledge and resources to ensure your students can maximize their potential.


Melissa Hinshaw, Assessment Coordinator, Center for Talent Development

Throughout her career, Melissa has cultivated expertise in school-based assessment systems and data analysis/applications. She oversees assessment-related work at the Center, curates and delivers talent development graduate learning, provides custom professional learning solutions and program review, and serves as a consultant and advocate. She presents at national and regional conferences on topics related to gifted education; talent development; and best assessment practices.


Register for the full workshop (two online sessions) using the form posted on the April 20 workshop session description, available here.

Questions? Email

2023 © Northwestern University Center for Talent Development