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Now Enrolling for Fall 2024 Online Programs

Leadership and Service-Learning Programs

Award-winning Programs and Educator Resources from Center for Talent Development's Civic Education Project

Learn. Serve. Lead.

Through innovative school-year and summer programs and online courses, the Civic Education Project (CEP) offers promising young people opportunities to learn and serve in communities across the country, developing the knowledge, experience, and leadership skills they need to make a positive impact on the world.

Inspiring Students and Educators Since 1997


Discover Ways to Make a Difference


See CEP in Action!

Discover Your Passion. Build Community. Make a Difference.

CEP's student programming and educator resources offer:

  • A wide variety of program models and pre-college level courses at multiple grade levels
  • Hands-on learning to promote critical thinking skills and an asset-based framework to explore social issues
  • Tools to help educators dig into challenging topics in the online or in-person classroom
  • Meaningful, eye-opening opportunities that bring learning to life

“I learned so much about social justice issues and feel like I am ready to be a change agent in my community.” - CEP Student


Get Started on Your CEP Journey.

If you have found the program and course for you, we’d love for you to apply. Learn more about the application and admissions process for our various courses. 

Find the Best Course for Your Student

Dozens of subjects. Hundreds of courses. Countless experiences.

2023 © Northwestern University Center for Talent Development